Grandpa Art and Grandma Tina came to visit us in So Cal for Tina's 81st birthday. We were so excited to see them today. When will we get to see them again???
Well if you're married to a graphic artist then you would say the same thing! Jawsh had a few pieces showing in Hollywood at the Rodin vs. Griffith store. When will be his next show???
We are so happy to announce that we are expecting a little baby boy this October. We are really excited that Noah will have a best friend to share his life with. I always thought that I would want a girl but after having Noah I think boys are excellent. Poor Jawsh wanted a little princess, but we'll just have to spend more time with Kaitlyn. Wonder what we'll name him???
Kaitlyn and Noah both have little piggy banks and we saw Kaitlyn do this when she received money... so naturally Noah picked it up as well. This piggy bank was painted by cousins Mary, Seth, and Rebecca, which is why we love it so much. How much money does he have in there???
We took our first trip to the LA Zoo and now that we are members we definitely plan to go again. The weather was overcast so it was a perfect day to walk around and see the animals in action. The lions were playing, the orangutans were climbing, and all the marine life was splashing around. Jawsh and I really enjoyed the lions because they were actually moving around and we think Noah really enjoyed the sea lions because he tried to climb the fence to go in the water with them. What will we see next time we go???
There should be a Bravo show dedicated to Noah and all his dance moves. Here he is jamming to good old jazz. I wonder how he will react to Mariah Carey???
We had a nice time celebrating Auntie Lise's birthday at Paco's Tacos. As you can see, Noah loves her very much. Will all her birthday wishes come true???
This is the official announcement that we are expecting Baby #2 in the fall. Although many of you have known about this I felt it's finally time to set it in stone in the blog. We are really excited and now that I am past my first trimester the nausea and the dry heaving has just about ceased so I am feeling a lot better. Now the big question... will the blog name change to Jawsh and Kim plus two???