Thursday, April 29, 2021


I am so happy that  Jawsh was able to get his vaccine shot.  We have been concerned about Jawsh and Noah because they have asthma but I am so glad that we have one less person to worry about.  I hope that the kids will be approved to have a vaccination soon!  When will that happen???

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Back at work

I am back at work in person with the students in the morning and on Zoom in the afternoon.  I didn't know what to expect today so I tried to be prepared.  I purchased a well fitting mask, had a plastic face shield, and also a portable microphone so the children could hear me clearly.  I am sure that it was weird for them to see me like this in class but then again everything is weird.  Keeping the students 6 feet apart is challenging but they have been really great about wearing their face masks.  What will it be like next week when they have to COVID test on campus???

Sunday, April 18, 2021

Hello Cousins!


It was so nice to finally hang out with the cousins at the park.  Our stay was not as long as the kids would have liked but we were all grateful.  Kona was so happy to see us that she kept barking, jumping, and started to pee out of excitement. The kids played basketball and soccer and had a great time.  When will we head back???

Friday, April 16, 2021

Lunch Buddies

This is a behind the scenes shot of the teacher teaching class!  This will the last week we see our students over Zoom so we are all having lunch together.  Micah likes to make me lunch so I enjoyed a sandwich and BBQ chips.  I will miss the days of having lunch made for me.  What will they serve tomorrow???

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Happy Birthday Grandpa

Happy 70th Birthday to Grandpa Barry.  We got to swing by to wish him a Happy Birthday.  Later in the evening, we sang and watched him open presents over Zoom.  We can't wait until we all get to share a meal together again.  When will that be???

Sunday, April 04, 2021

Happy Easter

It's been a few years since the boys celebrated Easter with the cousins.  Three years ago, Liam was hospitalized with a head injury, and the last two years we have been in a pandemic.  The boys were pretty disappointed that we did not see family but the 12 inch golden egg filled with candies and coupons helped their mood.  It was a quiet Easter, just like the other holidays, and we are looking forward to celebrating again.  Which holiday will it be when we get to celebrate with family???

Saturday, April 03, 2021

Boujee vs Budget?

The boys participated in the UCLA Bruin Experiment as it went virtual this year!  Micah chose to do a chocolate study he called, "Boujee or Budget?  The Chocolate Taste Test." He had participants try different types of dark chocolate with 70% cacao and rank them.  Noah did an experiment entitled, "Feeling Moody: How Screentime Affects Your Mental Health and Mood."  Noah surveyed 8th graders regarding their time spent on devices and their mood afterwards.  Micah placed first in his group and Noah received an Honorable Mention.  This was a great experience for both of them as they got to present their research to UCLA professors, UCLA students, and peers.  Will Micah want to participate next year???

Thursday, April 01, 2021

Beach Nights

We love the beach.  Morning. Noon. Night.  Sometimes it's just nice to go and take a walk and to feel the sand in between our toes.  We love to hear the crashing of the waves and to breathe in the salty air.  Micah usually finds a treasure buried in the sand and Noah likes the water- even going in when it is way too cold.  We are thankful that we live so close to the beach and can venture there when we feel.  When will we head back???