Sunday, January 26, 2020

Region Champs

Congratulations to the Blue Jets for winning their Region!  They are headed to Sectional Championships and if they win the next match they will head to Arizona to The Western States Championship Game to defend their Championship from last year.  This is a great feat for our boys and I am so proud of their tenacity, heart, and grit!  Will they make it back to Western States???

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Visiting with GA

Here is a great photo of the boys and Grandpa Art.  We are so thankful that the boys get to visit with him.  Noah and Grandpa Art have been writing letters since Noah was in first grade and they affectionately call each other "Penpal."  The last night we were in Reno, Noah and GA spent sometime talking at the table about GA's experiences growing up and living through World Wars I and II.  Will the boys remember these wonderful memories as they get older???

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Fun in Reno

This weekend we ventured to Reno to visit family.  The boys loving visiting and staying at Bubbe's house.  It's almost a tradition to land in Reno and then to head to Sup for a healthy lunch.  The boys loved seeing the snow and hanging out.  We also went to a comic book/coffee shop (Jawsh's world colliding) and then we visited with Grandpa Art.  What will tomorrow bring???

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Soccer mom

A lot of my free time is split between my responsibilities at home and my responsibilities as the team soccer manager.  I never thought I would be a "soccer mom" but here I am.  There is a lot of behind the scenes work but it makes it all worth it when the kids play hard and have fun.  This is a special team and they look like they are on a winning streak.  This weekend, The Blue Jets came in first place in the Hawthorne Holiday Smash tournament.  The final score was 2-1.  The boys were so happy and they really liked the medals (it had a snowman with a soccer ball) and the scarves they received.  Will they make it to Western States again???

Thursday, January 02, 2020


Our family likes to head to the beach every new year... this year we headed to Manhattan Beach.  We had brunch, walked down the pier, and watched surfers and fishermen.  It was nice spending time with the family and looking forward to all of the wonders of the new year.  Going to the beach shows us how vast this world is... watching the waves and seeing how expansive the sea is reminds us to have gratitude for the new year.  What will the new year bring???

Wednesday, January 01, 2020


After sleeping in from last night's festivities, we celebrated the new year by making Korean mandu. Mandu are Korean dumplings filled with minced meat, tofu, green onions, garlic and ginger and usually served with kimchi, and a dipping sauce made of soy sauce, vinegar and chili. They are time consuming to make but worth it once you get to eat it!  The boys made a few then they lost interest and went to play with their cousins.  The mind was delicious nonetheless.  Will they remember these traditions when they get older???