Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween

The boys insisted... they had to be part of The Force Awakens.  I personally did not like the idea of the Dark Side but I was overruled.  Micah knew he wanted to be Kylo Ren and Noah had to be a First Order Storm Trooper.  I went as the heroine, Rey, and Jawsh was Han.  The masks stayed on for about 5 minutes and Jawsh and I found ourselves carrying the masks and their bags of candy while they ran down the street Trick or Treating with friends.  I wonder what they will want to dress up as next year???

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Mr. Bones

After school, we went to Mr. Bones Pumpkin Patch with our neighbors the A family.  J and Micah are such good friends that they refer to each other as "twins."  It's really nice to have a friend who lives down the street.  Will we go trick or treating together???

Saturday, October 24, 2015

3rd Tooth

Micah lost his 3rd tooth this evening chewing on a tortilla chip at his friends house.  I can't believe that he lost his tooth but we're still waiting for his upper teeth to come out!  Micah's no longer afraid of the tooth fairy so now he is looking forward to receiving a visit.  I wonder how much the tooth fairy will leave???

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The Lion King

The boys went to their first musical with Bubbe this afternoon to see The Lion King!  The boys had a fun time with Bubbe and her friend.  Afterwards they went to Red Robin which the boys also loved.  This is one of those times that they will always remember.  When will they go to their musical???

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Bubbe's birthday

Happy Birthday to Bubbe!!!  We had a nice dinner at King's Fish House and it's always wonderful to celebrate her birthday!  Wonder what she wished for???

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Hotel Transylavnia 2

We were here... at the theaters watching Hotel Transylvania 2 with Micah's friend, E.  E's dad worked the first and second film.  The kids had a great time.  When will see E again???

KCRW Food Pie Contest

Today we split up... Jawsh took Noah to KCRW's Food Pie Contest at UCLA and I took Micah and his friend to a movie.  Jawsh and Noah ended up at a coffee shop and enjoyed the afternoon together.  When will they go on their next Daddy Date???

Saturday, October 03, 2015

Happy Birthday Liam!

Liam is now four years old and more loveable than ever.  He is still getting into mischief and he still likes to play rough, but he's the baby of the five grandkids and we love him so much.  I wonder what he wished for???