Sunday, December 31, 2017

New Years Eve

The last day of 2017.  We spent some time at the beach with friends.  The boys played flag football, Jawsh made the words Hot Mess with rocks,  and I enjoyed watching the sunset.  Afterwards, we went to V house to celebrate.  It was a great day with great friends.  What will 2018 bring???

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Cousin Time

Kaitlyn and Co came to visit today.  We walked to our neighborhood park and they had a great time playing.  We also played  tennis and Emma took pictures wit her new camera that she got on Christmas.  We had lunch at 800 Degrees and then they played some more.  Cousin time is the best time, wouldn't you say???

Monday, December 25, 2017

Merry Christmas

I don't know how we ended up at a movie on Christmas but that's what happened.  The kids were begging to see Jumanji but by the time we got to the theaters it was sold out.  Instead they watched the movie, Ferdinand, which gave me some time to take a nap.  At least the kids had fun.  Will they do this again next year???

Sunday, December 24, 2017


The kids are so blessed that they got to go back to Disneyland with their Emo and Uncle Zack.  They had a great time going on all the rollercoasters.  They loved Space Mountain and went on three times!  I am so happy that they got to go but I am secretly hoping that we can go as a family since we haven't been on any roller coasters with the kids yet but we may have to wait for the new Star Wars land.  When will we go???

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Breakfast with Emo and Uncle Zack

We met Kelly and Zack at Grand Central Market in Downtown LA.  It was fun walking through the stalls and deciding what to eat.  Afterwards, we went back home to get ready for Christmas!  What will we do tomorrow???

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah!  This is the first year in many years where we did not have a Hanukkah party.  There was too much to do with the move in and organizing our belongings. Will we have space to have one next year???

Sunday, December 17, 2017

Yayoi Kusama

Today we went to Yayoi Kusama's Infinity Mirrors Exhibition.  It was such a great show.  The kids really enjoyed the bright colors and shapes.  Jawsh was impressed with her sheer artistry, imagination, and ideas.  This was definitely a must see and we were so happy we did it.  It's fun to expose the boys to art and I hope that they will appreciate it.  Will they appreciate it when they get older???

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Micah's winter concert

Micah's class sang two songs:  "50 Nifty United States" where Micah was holding the stage Lousiana.  Their second song was "If You're Out There" by John Legend.  It was fun to watch and the kids sang beautifully.  I wonder what they will sing next year???

Noah's winter concert

This is Noah's last winter concert at Open School.  He has been on this stage singing for the past six years and now it's coming to a close.  Noah's class sang two songs:  "Pure Imagination" made famous by Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and "Best Day of My Life " by America Authors.  It was fun to watch and the kids sang beautifully.  Will Noah have winter concerts in middle school???

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Go Vipers!

Micah had a great soccer season playing defensive middle back.  According to the coach, Micah was perfect for this position because he was quick enough to always run the ball down.  Unfortunately, the boys lost in the Championship Game but they had a fun season!  Will Micah get to play with his same team next year???

Friday, December 08, 2017

Hot Chocolate Nutcracker

Teacher date night tonight!  Micah and I met T and M for dinner and then we headed to Debbie Allen's Hot Chocolate Nutcracker.  One of our students, B, was in the show so we had to go and support her.  It was fun to see our student (as well as two more students that attend the boys' school) in the cast.  It was a great play and we really enjoyed it.  I wonder if we will get a chance to see it again???

Daddy date

Jawsh and Noah went to Santa Monica for a Daddy date.  They went to Hillstone to have a nice dinner.  Afterwards they went to the Nike store and they had a great time shopping for new clothes and shoes.  Noah had such a great time.  When will they have their next Daddy date???

Saturday, December 02, 2017

GR Post It

Bucket list... Jawsh has always wanted to show at Giant Robot and he was invited to show some work at the Post-it Show.  Jawsh had 4 pieces up and by the end of the day, they were all sold.  Jawsh was super excited to have his work at Giant Robot and I hope he has another opportunity.... what will be his next show???

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Dog lover

Micah is our champion dog lover... here he is holding Ricky.  Since the passing of Goldie, Watts, and Peanut we miss having dogs at Halmoni's house.  I wonder if she will get a new puppy soon???

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Cheers to home ownership

As the boys sleep in their new room... Jawsh and I sat on the balcony enjoying a glass of champagne.  It's remarkable... I can remember our first night in our apartment off Federal #104 eating shrimp scampi on boxes because we had no table.  Tonight we are in our new home, enjoying our glasses of champagne, on our ice chest alas we have no outdoor table.  Funny how things change yet seem to stay the same way.  As we enjoyed the sounds of the frogs from the nearby creek to the stillness of our new reality... we are so blessed to be doing this life together like this... I wonder how the rest of the year will be???

First night

Noah's 11th birthday... our first night in our new home... sleep tight boys... what are you dreaming???

Friday, November 24, 2017

Magic show

Tonight we took the opportunity to see a free magic show in Santa Monica called Magicopolis.  We had a wonderful time watching the show and there was a lot of audience participation so it was fun to see the family being pulled up to help the show.  When will we go to our next magic show???

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Birthday Noah!

Happy birthday to Noah!  He's 11 years old and I can't believe how time has flown.  Noah is definitely changing from a boy to a preteen.  He can be moody at times and want space and then he is asking us to buy him a Lego set at Target.  Jawsh says to always buy the Lego set because there will soon be a day when he no longer asks.  We can't say enough about how proud we are of him... he is everything a parent would want in a child.  Happy birthday dear Noah... wonder what you wished for???

Tuesday, November 21, 2017


I spoke too soon... what more could they want???  Another amusement park!  We ventured to Universal Studios and the kids enjoyed faster and bigger rides than Legoland.  They had a great time on Jurassic Park at night (which is even scarier than in the day) and they loved the Waterworld show!  Will the boys remember these great times with their cousins when they get older???

Sunday, November 19, 2017


We are so blessed that we get to see our Denver cousins a few times a year!  It was a great day at Legoland but we definitely missed Jawsh.  The kids had fun going on all the rides and just hanging out together.  They had their fill of sugar, lego, and rides... what more could they want???

Friday, November 17, 2017

Eat cake!

Noah decorated his birthday invite which we placed on his birthday cake.  Happy birthday to my 11 year old baby.  I wonder what he wished for???

All In

Noah is turning 11 next week and we decided to celebrate his birthday a week earlier since all his friends would be on Thanksgiving vacation.  We took the boys to see Justice League and then we went to Hop Doddy for dinner.  The boys really liked the movie and they especially liked Flash.  After the movie, we went back to the house for a slumber party.  What time  will they go to bed???

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


It's always a great time with the V boys!  My boys are very fortunate to have such a special friendship with J and G.  J and Noah have been to school since kindergarten and although Micah is one grade above G the multi-age classroom has given them the opportunity to be in the same class!  Today they ventured to Knotts Berry Farm, where the boys experienced their first rollercoaster with a loop:  Montezuma's Revenge (which was also my first rollercoaster loop).  I was bummed that I wasn't there but at least D sent me video!  I wonder what their next big ride will be???

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Rock climbing

While Micah was at a friend's birthday in West LA, I decided to take Noah rock climbing.  Noah's Harabujee climbed mountains as a young man in Korea, so I know it's somewhere in him.  It was really amazing to see him persevere throughout the session.  In the beginning, he was very hesitant and he could barely get up the wall.  But after taking a few breaths and composing himself he got up a little farther each time.  I told him that it wasn't about getting to the top, but about surpassing his last stopping point.  I think this helped him because each time he passed his previous stoppage point, he was excited and motivated to continue.  By the end of the session, Noah had scaled three walls and reached the top of each one.  Proud parent moment.  Will he want to take more classes???

Monday, November 06, 2017

Student council

Noah is a Student Council Representative for his classroom and now he is running for the office of Secretary.  He created these great posters on his own and he has a speech ready to read.  Even though he is running unopposed, he still has to garner over 50% of the votes.  As a student body officer in my day, I am very proud of Noah for taking this step.  Will he want to continue leadership in junior high???

Thursday, November 02, 2017

Chess champ

Noah came in first place in the chess program at school with a record 14 checkmates this past quarter.  He was very humble while accepting his award and we were very proud looking on.  Noah has had a great time playing chess, developing strategy, skills, and confidence.  Will he continue to play next year at his new school???

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween

Noah wanted to be a mummy this year and so we decided we would do Classic Halloween Characters.  Micah was the cutest Dracula and Jawsh grew out his beard to be a werewolf and I wore my black dress and bought a $5 hat to be a witch.  We had a nice time at the K House and the boys also enjoyed watching the Dodgers play in the World Series.  After the trick or treating, the boys made an impromptu Haunted Garden.  Will they want to trick or treat next year???

Monday, October 30, 2017

New home

We purchased our first piece of property in Los Angeles!  We are now a part of the Playa Vista community which is a new urban place to live.  We feel so fortunate to have won the lottery to have the opportunity to buy in this new building.  We are moving from a home to a 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo.  There will be an adjustment but we are excited to live in a new community with many parts, access to pools, walking distance to stores and much more.  We look forward to what the future brings...  now the question is what are we going to do with all our stuff???

Friday, October 20, 2017

Mommy and Micah

I was so happy that I was able to chaperone Micah's trip to San Diego.  We had a great evening hike and enjoyed learning so much about all the animals.  Micah got to sleep in his tent with his friends and I slept in a tent with my friends.  It was a special experience.  I wonder if we will go back as a family???

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Roar N Snore

I had such a fun time chaperoning Micah at the San Diego Wild Animal Park Roar and Snore!  The boys had a great day exploring and had so much fun at the camp.  The night hike was memorable and the next morning was absolutely beautiful.  Jawsh attuned with Noah last year and I would love to do this as a family... when will we make time to go???

Sunday, October 15, 2017


The boys have been going to Otis Art School for art class.  Here they are learning about color and pixels.  Can you guess which one is Noah's and which one is Micah's???

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Art time

Art time...  this is time that Jawsh likes to spend with the boys.  What are they all drawing???

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Noah's apple pie

This is Noah's attempt at making an apple pie.  He has been asking to learn how to bake apple pies so that everyone can enjoy them in the family.  It was delicious!  What will he make next???

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Liam's birthday

Happy birthday to Liam!  I can't believe he is 6 years old!  Where has the time gone?

Friday, September 15, 2017

Catalina Lab

Noah was drawing kelp and pressing kelp leaves in class while in Catalina.   Micah and I missed him and Jawsh very much, but it looks like he's having a good time, doesn't it???

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Catalina lab

Dissecting squid.  The look on Noah's face says it all, don't you think???

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Noah and Jawsh went to Catalina with Noah's class this week.  They had a great time crossing the Pacific Ocean to Catalina.  They enjoyed snorkeling and the life labs.  Micah and I missed them both.  When will we travel to Catalina as a family???

Sunday, September 10, 2017


Wow...  we got tickets to Hamilton!  Thanks to my generous mother in law, Jawsh and I were able to see the hottest show on Broadway.  We had great seats on the Mezzanine and we really enjoyed the cast performance.  What show will we watch next???

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Universal Studios

It's always fun to go to Universal Studios with the boys.  They love Harry Potter World and each time we go we try another treat... this time they loved doughnuts in Simpson Land and last time they liked the Squishees.  What will we try next???

Sunday, September 03, 2017


We travelled to Chinatown to see Kozyndan's show, The Golden State.  It was interesting to see all their art and sculptures.  I wonder if the boys will be inspired by all the art they get to see throughout Los Angeles.  What kind of influence will it have o them later in life???

La Luz Gallery

Today we went to La Luz Gallery to see some of Jawsh's work at the Coaster show.  It was so much fun to see his work displayed in this gallery, especially since Jawsh loves this gallery.  The boys liked looking for his coasters and we can't wait to see his next show.  What will the next show be???

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Birthday dinner

Even on my birthday, I have to shuttle the kids back and forth from school and soccer practice. After practice, we went to Cinco to have birthday tacos.  We took a picture with the lady.  It was a nice evening... when will we head back to Cinco with Uncle Zach???

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Happy birthday dinner

We celebrated my 39th birthday today at Ruth's Chris.  It was a nice time to celebrate just with my boys.  I feel so blessed that they are in my life and that they are such good people.  I am so happy.  When will we celebrate with the rest of the family???

Monday, August 21, 2017

Solar eclipse

Today we participated in history and got to see the solar eclipse.  The kids took great precaution to see the solar eclipse with cereal boxes and solar glasses.  It was a great time.  April 8, 2024 will be the next solar eclipse... Noah will be about to head to college and Micah will be finishing up high school.  Will we be able to watch this together???

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Petersen Museum

It has been several years since we have been to the Petersen Museum.  The last time we were there Micah fractured his arm and we ended up in Urgent Care.  This time around, there was no car ramp and the Discovery changed.  The boys liked viewing all the cars, especially the Bugattis.  When will we head back???

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

First day of school

Today the boys had their first day of school..  Micah is now a 4th grader in Yellow Cluster and Noah is in Blue Cluster as a 5th grader.  This is Noah's last year at Open School, which is exciting but also sad because he will be moving on to middle school!  This is the last year the boys will be together so I hope they enjoy it.  I know that I will.  What will this last year be like for Noah???

Monday, August 14, 2017

Friends forever

Noah and Micah have been so fortunate to make some good friendships at their school.  They really loved having J visit from Singapore.  It was nice to see them all hanging out together.  When will they get to see J again???

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Date night

Tonight we went out to dinner at Father's Office and then we watch a movie!  An actual date night!  Afterwards, we went to the Culver City Hotel to have some drinks and to listen to live jazz.  It was a great time!  When will we go out again???

Saturday, August 05, 2017

Surf Rider's beach clean up

Today we spent an hour helping the Surf Rider's clean up Venice beach.  I didn't realize how many cigarette butts were at the beach!  We picked up about 4 pounds of trash and then we enjoyed the rest of the time near the waves.  When will we get to help out again???

Friday, July 28, 2017

Art time

This summer we have found ourselves at Playa Provisions for coffee and art with Jawsh before goes to work.  The boys have been working on their favorite comic characters and Jawsh has been working on Melting Man.  I love drinking my Americano, watching my boys bond.  Will they remember these lazy summer days when they get older???