Thursday, October 02, 2008

Third times a charm

My mom and sister came over today to drop off some food and to spend time with Noah. Originally they had planned to go to Gymboree but I made a special request for them to take him to the Yellow Balloon for a much needed haircut. In the past, Noah screamed and cried but this time around I heard he was as cool as a cucumber. Who knows if it was because he has been there before with the same stylist, or maybe it was because my mom was holding him. But upon further examination, it looks like he had a cookie in his hand so maybe that is the reason he didn't freak out. Either way I'm glad he didn't cry. Will he be cool with getting his haircut from now on???

1 comment:

kaitlynandemma's page said...

why is michael jackson holding noah at the barber shop?