Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ode to Micah

This blog is solely about Micah. As I blog about my family, I know that Micah is not getting his equal share. I forgot to post his crawling (which happened in June), his teething (he has 3 on the bottom), and I didn't post about how he started babbling mama! What kind of mother blogger am I? I know from experience, as the youngest, we can get short changed. Well, here is my ode to Micah. He is definitely developing the need for speed... he crawls very quickly, he's pulling up to standing position (he even stood up for a milli-second unassisted), and he lets you know what he wants. He can be impatient with me, when I am trying to get his food ready and he screams when big bro takes a toy from him. He's physical... he likes to "body slam" Noah and he also loves slapping us in the face... it's a sign of affection! At his last appointment, we found out that he was in the 97 percentile for height and 70 percentile for weight. We also found out that his iron levels were normal, so no iron supplements needed (hooray). Micah also was a finalist for a State Farm print campaign, but it didn't work out (next time). What will Micah do next???

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