Thursday, June 24, 2010

Still life

The boys and I ventured to the California Science Center to check out the new wing, Ecosystems. We had a great time and somewhere between the kelp forest and the Discovery Room, it suddenly hit me how big they are. Noah's 3.5 years old and making connections about sea life, asking questions about nature, and exploring independently. Micah, 21 months, is fearless, climbing through tubes, running after Noah, and he didn't need his stroller! Towards the end of the trip, we went outside to an art space and Noah wanted to draw. He told me he was going to draw a ladybug (little did I know he had a figurine he grabbed from a station) and he proceeded to draw it and then he signed his art. Noah's first still life drawing (the yellow streak is from Micah's marker). What will he make next???

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