Sunday, August 29, 2010

At the store

The kids love going to the ka-geh (which means store in Korean). When we say ka-geh they know we're not talking about Trader Joe's... they know it means their grandparents' store. My parents have had this store longer than me and a lot of my childhood memories revolve around this place. I hope it's the same for the kids. When were at the store, Micah only has eyes for Harabujee because he never says "no." Micah will point to something and my dad will open it right then and there and hand it over. Last time, Harabujee opened three different ice creams because Micah kept at him (by the way, this is not the same dad that I grew up with). Micah also has run of the store. He can knock things down and my dad will not discipline him or let me discipline him (again, not the same dad I grew up with). Tonight Micah was playing with the produce and knocked down two five pound watermelons that cracked on the floor. Billy mopped up the watermelon juice and my dad went to the back of the store and cut the rest of the watermelon up for the kids. Micah's mishap turned into a great healthy treat. I love this photo... Noah chomping down, Micah biting the rind, and Kaitlyn nibbling. Will they remember these good times???

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