Sunday, March 13, 2011

Date with Bubbe

Noah got to spend some one on one time with Bubbe. Here is what he described....

"I went to the new park that Bubbe took me. And then Bubbe took me to lunch. I ate a hamburger, milkshake and it was a new flavor, and then we played PacMan. I saw a dog race. They put them in a box and when they say go they run and then they get dog food. I asked two people can I pet your dogs and then they said yes. Next time it's Micah's turn to go with Bubbe because he didn't got a chance to go with Bubbe."

I'm not sure if this is 100% correct... only Bubbe can corroborate the story... but milkshakes, dog races, and a park sounds like fun, don't you think???

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