Thursday, June 02, 2011

Unc Z is cool

Uncle Zach and Dolly came over to watch the boys so Jawsh and I could watch the movie, Bridesmaids. It's been a while since Jawsh and I went to the movies, but we had to go tonight to use these fandango coupons before they expired. We met in Santa Monica because Jawsh was coming from work... we snuck in some meatball sandwiches from Bay Cities Deli and had a great time. At the end of the movie, we waited for the credits to roll so we could see Unc Z's name (see picture above)! That's right, this is one of the movies he worked on this past year. Afterwards we went to Pinkberry where I enjoyed a caramel flavored yogurt! Unc Z is cool because he watched the kids, worked on the movie, and is willing to watch the boys again... when will that be???

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