Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Force

Today we went to Disneyland with one objective: for Micah to be chosen for the Jedi Training Show. This is the last time we will be at the Jedi Training Show at Disneyland for a long time and it was very important for us to make sure he got a chance. We dressed him up in his Obiwon costume (Noah was dressed up as Luke), put him in the front row, and we even had him practice jumping while waving his arms frantically. All this preparation came in handy, as Noah and Micah were chosen first. I believe the Jedi Master said, "the two younglings come forward." Micah and Noah were center stage and Micah ended up being the butt of the jokes, which was funny. Micah got to fight Darth Vader while Noah got to fight Darth Maul. After the children duel the Siths they are supposed to sit, but Micah ended up jumping up from his seat and he ran towards Darth Maul with his light saber in hand. Micah ended up fighting Darth Maul as well (which was not supposed to happen). Jawsh and I were shocked that he did this and Jawsh said, "Micah is an opportunist." The opportunity was there and he struck! Who does he take after???

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