Thursday, October 13, 2011

3 year appointment

Micah had his 3 year appointment today. He is steadily growing as he is in the 90% in weight and height. He liked getting measured, weighed, and as you can see, his blood pressure taken. At the end of the appointment, both boys received their flu shot. Noah completely lost it and had to be held down by two people so the nurse could administer the shot. Afterwards the nurses asked me if I needed help holding down Micah, which I quickly accepted. Surprisingly, Micah sat on my lap and looked up at me and said, "I'm not going to cry." The nurses did not have to hold him as he sat calmly during the shot! I was amazed! I'm still in shock that Micah was so chill through the whole thing. Micah is full of surprises, wouldn't you say???

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