Wednesday, May 08, 2013

Good bye Goldie

Goodbye to our sweetest dog Goldie.  She went to doggy heaven this morning and we are thankful that we got to say our goodbyes.  It was pretty emotional for all of us, but poor Noah took it very hard.  We retold the story of how we met Goldie several times and we talked about our favorite things about her.  My mom and I met Goldie by chance in front of a pet store... she was brought from a shelter in Yucaipa. We were picking up Watts early from a grooming appointment and thought it would be nice for him to have a friend.  The first dog we chose was Goldie's brother but my Mom did not want two boys.  We then picked out Goldie and she was very shy and docile.  We thought it would be a perfect fit.  The boys will always remember how she would lick them in the face when they walked through the door...  she was a licker.  Watts and Goldie were best buds and we will miss her terribly.  Noah says he will see her again when we are all in heaven... isn't that the best thing a kid could say???

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