Saturday, December 14, 2013

3 gifts of giving

It's so wonderful when I see the boys show empathy and love towards others.  On this day, there were many acts of kindness that I was really proud of.  It started at 8 AM this morning in the FOX Studio warehouse, where we sorted thousands of toys that would be shipped to kids in need.  Micah and Noah opened bags and sorted them by gender and age and then helped count them to go to specific charities.  They did a great job remaining focused for over three hours and many adults complimented their hard work!  Then, Micah went to the animal shelter to donate a bag of dog treats and a gift card he received for his birthday to purchase dog food.  The worker tried to give him the gift card back when she saw that it had "Happy Birthday Micah" on it but he replied, "no it's for dog food" and I think she was going to cry.  The last act, I will admit, needed some encouragement from Mom but Noah made the final decision.  We went to the school BINGO night and Noah and Micah both won two prizes.  Noah won a Crazy Loom and a Bubble Maker and Micah won 2 Power Rangers.  Every child that attended this event received a prize with the exception of one boy and one girl.  Micah immediately went over to the boy and gave him one blue Power Ranger toy and Noah went over to the girl and offered his Bubble Maker.  The girl politely declined but was sad.  I encouraged Noah to think about giving his Crazy Loom to the girl because he already has one at home but he really wanted the rubber bands in the box.  After I explained to him that I could go to the store and buy him rubber bands and clips separately he ran over to the girl and offered her the Crazy Loom.  By this time, she was crying but once Noah made this gesture, she wiped her tears, smiled really big, and said, "I feel super."  She gave him a big hug and Noah felt like a hero.  I was so proud of my boys...  I hope that they will continue to give and show others love... how will they help other next???

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