Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas

This Christmas we had a delicious holiday meal consisting of my Mom's rib roast, green beans and bacon, mac and cheese and of course, kimchi.  We were serenaded all night by the kids singing, "Let It Go" from the movie Frozen.  We did miss my sister (who recently got engaged to Zack) but we were overjoyed to see my cousin who is 18 weeks pregnant.  We did a white elephant gift exchange where Jawsh ended up with the present that he brought (movie tickets) and I got a much needed hand lotion by my favorite brand, L'Occitane.  The boys also received many more toys than they needed from "Santa Billy." My favorite part of the evening was when my parents gifted the boys with money and Noah promptly turned around and handed it to Micah so he could use it to buy his own mini-ipad.  What will Christmas bring next year???

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