Monday, August 27, 2012

Cat by Noah

Noah is now taking Korean language class on Monday and Wednesday afternoon for two hours.  At first, I was concerned this was a long time for him (especially after school).  But I saw that his class does a lot of art while learning the sounds of the alphabet.  And it turns out, going to Korean School is his favorite part of the day.  He likes being in his class and he made the observation that he is the only "half Korean" boy in the class and that everybody else understands what the teacher is saying except for him.  This made me feel a little bad because I could be speaking to him more in Korean, but Noah is resilient and he told me, "If I don't understand what the teacher is saying, I just say, excuse me can you say it in English?"  And after checking in with his teacher, she said he was "doing fine and says excuse me a lot."  Will Noah learn how to read Korean better than me???

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