Friday, August 10, 2012

First cast

With the cast comes some changes...  for instance, it's not waterproof so we have to cover it up at all times when Micah is eating, in the bathroom, washing hands, and don't get me started on the bathing.  And although we were planning on separating the boys' beds soon (the mattresses were directly next to each other) now that he has a cast on, we needed there to be more space.  Noah was thrilled, Micah not so much.  So Micah received a hypoallergenic bear at Build-A-Bear and then promptly chose to cover the bear up in Spiderman gear and then name him "Spiderman."  Oh and let's not forget his accessory, a sling!  So Micah is now sleeping with Spiderman and they both have their arms wrapped up.  Isn't that darling???

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